All About Me – Self Concept

Image: iStockphoto – Credit: doubleMIL

Who Am I? An age old, often unanswered question that sends people spiralling into existential and midlife crisis. How we see ourselves and we believe others see us can effect our behaviour as consumers. Self-concept refers to the beliefs and attitude an individual holds regarding their attributes and how they evaluate themselves according to those qualities (Solomon, Russell-Bennet & Previte 2018). It is developed over time through psychological and social forces (Solomon, Russell-Bennet & Previte 2018). Consumers tend to purchase goods and services that relate to their self-image and are often used to define an individual’s self-concept. In this way consumers demonstrate their values through their purchase behaviour. For example; those who value money and power are more likely to make purchases that demonstrate this to others. The positivity/negativity with which an individual perceives their self-concept is referred to as their self-esteem.

Social comparison is the process in which individuals evaluate themselves by comparing themselves with others. An individuals self perception can be strongly influenced by comparisons with other either superior or inferior (Solomon, Russell-Bennet & Previte 2018). Social comparison can be clearly demonstrated through the use of Instagram. Users are exposed to representations of other peoples ‘lives’ and consequently compare their own. This, more often than not, has negative consequences on the individual’s self esteem.

Types of Self Image

Symbolic Self-Completion Theory: individuals with incomplete self-definition attempt to define themselves by ‘seeking social symbols of acheivement’ (Psychology.iresearchnet 2018). These individuals have the ‘biggest desire to influence others’ (Hamer 2017). Marketers often use this concept by utilising idealised images in advertising to encourage consumer to purchase their products.

_______________________________ HelloFresh ________________________________

HelloFresh, my brand of focus doesn’t seem to explicitly use the concept of ‘self’ for marketing purposes. It could be assumed that HelloFresh may inter-relate with some individuals ideal self. Those who may be looking to lead a healthy lifestyle might purchase HelloFresh boxes in an attempt to achieve this goal. Other meal delivery serves such as Lite and Easy more clearly represent the idea of ‘self’. Lite and Easy which focuses on weight loss more directly relates to an individuals ideal self. That is they are working towards losing weight, being healthier and Lite and Easy is a purchase to help achieve it.


Hammer , A 2017, ‘Symbolic Self-Completion Theory Is Just A Fancy Way To Say Know-It-Alls Are Insecure’, Curiosity, Accessed 26th April 2018, <>

‘Symbolic Self-Completion’, Psychology,<;

Solomon, MR, Russell-Bennet, R, Private, J 2018, Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having Being, 4th edn, Pearson, Melbourne.

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